• MyLab: The Certificates

    Overview I am a strong proponent to securing an infrastructure with customer-signed Transport Layer Security (TLS) certificates internally and only using third party certificates where absolutely necessary for external services. For this service, I am going to build a two-tier Microsoft certificate authority (CA) using Windows Server 2022. One virtual machine will be a root…

  • MyLab: VMware Dynamic Environment Manager (DEM)

    Overview I am choosing to install VMware Dynamic Environment Manager (DEM) to quickly perform tasks on user profiles and save profile data. Using DEM is easier to administer user-based Group Policies than Active Directory and (I think) more predictable.

  • MyLab: The Files

    Overview I am choosing to install a Microsoft Windows File Server to hold shares for the domain as well as VMware Dynamic Environment Manager (DEM) configuration files and user profile information.

  • MyLab: VMware Horizon Connection Server

    Overview I am going to install VMware Horizon Connection Server 2303 (current at the time of writing) on Windows Server 2022. The only modification to the hardware is to increase the Memory to 12 GB. This will provide the connection server with ample memory for the operating system as well as the VMware Horizon Connection…

  • MyLab: VMware Workspace ONE Access

    Overview I am choosing to install VMware Workspace ONE Access (current as of this writing) so that I have a single pane of glass to access shared applications as well as virtual desktops. Workspace ONE Access will also provide a means to standardize authentication mechanisms through on-premises or cloud directories.

  • MyLab: VMware vSphere

    Overview I am using VMware vSphere 7.0.3 for this lab. Before starting the deployment, ensure there are forward and reverse DNS records created for the ESXi host that vCenter will be installed on, the vCenter Server appliance itself, and optionally any NTP servers. Ideally, there should be localized NTP.

This is how it all started…

I started this site with the intent to aggregate as much information as possible in one place. I use this to record lessons learned or frustrating configurations I have experienced on the job or just tinkering (learning) and just couldn’t find a better resource available. I have tried to be as thorough and accurate as possible, but technology is rapidly evolving and every environment is different. I may miss things along the way and my setup most likely differs compared to yours.

I hope you find this site has some value to you.

Welcome to Bits, Bytes, and Radio Waves! 

If you have any questions or comments (or just want to give me a shout-out), please feel free to contact me!

Aaron Rombaut

Writer & Technologist