Build Gqrx on Raspberry Pi 5


I have a Raspberry Pi 5 Model B Rev 1.0, 8GB (info from raspi-config) running Debian GNU/Linux 12 (bookworm) (info from /etc/os-release). I am going to build Gqrx 2.17.6 as that is the newest release as of this writing.

Due to the nature of open source software and how often things change, I am going to stitch together the components necessary by linking to other posts on my site. This way, as software changes, I only need to modify the instructions in one place.

The following is a high level overview of the process (ref:

  1. Install RTL-SDR V4 Drivers
  2. Hold these packages
    sudo apt-mark hold rtl-sdr librtlsdr0 librtlsdr-dev
  3. Install gnuradio >= v3.7
    sudo apt install -y gnuradio
  4. Build gr-osmosdr from source.
  5. Install Gqrx from source — follow this page, below.
  6. Run volk_profile – this is from gnuradio and optimizes the kernels.
  7. Run gqrx


Update and Download Prerequisites

In the standalone build instructions for Gqrx, they include gr-osmosdr. If you are following along from the list above, we already built it from source and it will cause trouble if included here as well. Simply remove the package from the list and try again.

sudo apt update
sudo apt install cmake gnuradio-dev qt6-base-dev qt6-svg-dev qt6-wayland libasound2-dev libjack-jackd2-dev portaudio19-dev libpulse-dev

Clone the Git Repo

cd ~/Downloads
git clone

Prepare and Build the Software

The rest of the process is fairly standard and should work without any issues.

cd gqrx
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..

Make will take some time to process. Good time for a bio break, stretch, and a cuppa!

sudo make install

Optimize Signal Processing Routines


Run Gqrx


Initial loading took a few moments. This is likely due to the speed and quality of the SD card in use.

If you did not have the receiver connected prior to opening Gqrx, on the Configure I/O devices screen, select Device scan to re-scan the system for new devices.

I am using an RTL-SDR Blog V4 dongle, so I am going to select RTLSDRBlog Blog V4 SN: 00000001.

For audio, I tested using a USB Audio Adapter by plugable, so I chose Plugable USB Audio Device Analog Stereo with a Sample Rate of 48 kHz.

After modifying the Audio output, you may experience no sound, like I did. Note: be sure to adjust the sound volume prior to the next step!

What I found was that the Mode shifts to Demod Off, which essentially mutes the sound. Since I am testing with a local FM station, I chose WFM (stereo) and immediately began hearing music as I had the Frequency set.


Hopefully this post will help you get Gqrx installed and able to start experimenting with your Software Defined Radio (SDR)!

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