Build SDR++ on Raspberry Pi 5


Here is another post for a promising program to use with the RTL-SDR Blog V4. Like similar posts, I am going to stitch other posts in so that as the software changes, I only have to update in one location.

If you are going to be using the RTL-SDR Blog device, start with installing the drivers following this post.

RTL-SDR Blog V4 on Raspberry Pi OS



The developer provides a list of generic dependencies. It is up to us to figure out the necessary packages for our particular version of Linux and hardware in use. I will try to decode the packages for the Raspberry Pi 5.

List Provided by DeveloperAptitude Package Name
Not listedlibairspy-dev
Not listedlibairspyhf-dev
Not listedlibrtaudio-dev
Not listedlibhackrf-dev
Not listedlibiio-dev
Not listedlibad9361-dev

Add the appropriate package names to the apt install command to get the correct dependencies installed.

sudo apt install -y cmake libad9361-dev libairspy-dev libairspyhf-dev libfftw3-dev libglfw3-dev libhackrf-dev libiio-dev librtaudio-dev libvolk2-dev libzstd-dev


cd ~/Downloads

Download the nightly archive.


Unzip the archive.


Change into the unzipped directory.

cd ~/Downloads/SDRPlusPlus-master

The next commands are the usual for building.

mkdir build
cd build

Add in options if necessary to the next command. Available options are listed at the developer’s GitHub page,

cmake ..
make -j4

Create a New Root Directory

cd ..
sh ~/Downloads/SDRPlusPlus-master/

Install SDR++

cd ~/Downloads/SDRPlusPlus-master/build
sudo make install

Running SDR++

In the GUI:
On the applications menu, I have seen it in Other or Hamradio, select SDR++.

On the CLI:
type sdrpp

Select the device under Source you intend to use. Under Radio, I am using WFM since I am going to use a local FM radio station to test.

When the settings are where you want them and you are ready to listen, select the Play button at the top of the screen on the left. It looks like a triangle. If the icon looks like a square, then audio should be playing and this becomes the stop button.

There should be activity in waveform in the top window as well as a waterfall. Point to where there is activity and the software will tune. You can use the mouse wheel to fine tune up and down, if necessary.


At first glance, this software looks great! I will give a try for a little while and may post follow-up opinions. In the meantime, if you found this helpful or not, please take the time to let me know!

8 responses to “Build SDR++ on Raspberry Pi 5”

  1. Andre Avatar

    Wow, impressive. I just compiled it on the Raspberry Pi 500 and it works right away.

  2. robert Avatar

    When I run cmake .., I get this error

    — Checking for module ‘librtlsdr’
    — Package ‘librtlsdr’, required by ‘virtual:world’, not found

    I noticed librtlsdr wasn’t in your dependency list, I tried to sudo apt install libtrlsdr, but it is not a valid package. I already have rtl_tcp, rtl_power etc etc installed on the pi.

    Im not great with linux and dependency issues, any thoughts on why im having this problem and how to fix it? I really need to get SDR++ server working for my sdrplay.

    1. Aaron Rombaut Avatar
      Aaron Rombaut

      Hey Robert! In the Introduction of the post, I assume you are using an RTL-SDR device and link to that post to do the installation. The drivers are very finicky with that device and if installed out of order, there will be frustration to fix.
      Check out the Introduction section of the post and let me know if you have any other trouble. Otherwise, good luck!

    2. Andre Avatar

      Did you install the rtlsdr driver?

      1. Robert Avatar

        Yes ive installed everything using apt. I can plug an rtl dongle in and run rtl_tcp sucessfully.

  3. Joe Avatar

    Thank you for making this a lot easier. It worked great on the PI 4, so I trying to load it on PI 5, but it hangs up on this code: raspberrypi:~/Downloads $ unzip
    replace SDRPlusPlus-master/.clang-format? [y]es, [n]o, [A]ll, [N]one, [r]ename: n

    I don’t know what to do, I did (y) I did (n) and no go. Have you run into this problem?

  4. Joe Avatar

    I did get it loaded. I tried a script that put files in the root, so removing them worked. You already know I’m no programmer, but I did learn a thing or two. Again thank you for work and letting me learn to fix it.


  5. Robert Avatar

    I got it built by downloading the source file on the SDR++ web site, and followed the the directions that are on this site and in a pdf at the SDR++ github. It is working fine on a pi5 with the newest 64bit rasbian. If by chance you are using an SDRPlay device, you have to pass a special option to cmake in order to build SDRPlay support, all other SDR devices seem to build with the software as you would excpect.

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