The policy files required are vdm_blast.admx and vdm_blast.adml. They are downloaded as part of the VMware-Horizon-Extras-Bundle.
In a typical environment, the admx policy files go into \\<domain name>\SYSVOL\<domain name>\Policies\PolicyDefinitions. The adml files go into the language folder, in my case, en-US. If the Group Policy Editor was already open, close and reopen for the changes to take effect.
Registry location: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\VMware, Inc.\VMware Blast\Config
If the range is 0-1, that means that a 0 is disabled and a 1 is enabled.
Setting | Registry Name | Default | Range |
Audio playback | AudioEnabled | 0-1 | |
Blast Codec Quality | BlastCodecMinQp | 0 | 0-8 |
Blast Codec Quality | BlastCodecMaxQp | 0 | 0-8 |
Cookie Cleanup Interval | CookieCleanupIntervalMsec | 1000 | 100-65535 |
Cursor Warping | CursorWarpingEnabled | 0-1 | |
Image Quality | JpegQualityLow | 25 | 10-100 |
Image Quality | JpegQualityMid | 35 | 10-100 |
Image Quality | JpegQualityHigh | 90 | 10-100 |
DSCP Marking | NetworkVVCQoSPolicyEnabled | 0-1 | |
DSCP from Agent, TCP/IPv4 | QoSPolicyDscpAOutTCPv4 | 0 | 0-63 |
DSCP from Agent, TCP/IPv6 | QoSPolicyDscpAOutTCPv6 | 0 | 0-63 |
DSCP from Agent, UDP/IPv4 | QoSPolicyDscpAOutUDPv4 | 0 | 0-63 |
DSCP from Agent, UDP/IPv6 | QoSPolicyDscpAOutUDPv6 | 0 | 0-63 |
DSCP from BSG to Client, TCP/IPv4 | QoSPolicyDscpBDownTCPv4 | 0 | 0-63 |
DSCP from BSG to Client, TCP/IPv6 | QoSPolicyDscpBDownTCPv6 | 0 | 0-63 |
DSCP from BSG to Client, UDP/IPv4 | QoSPolicyDscpBDownUDPv4 | 0 | 0-63 |
DSCP from BSG to Client, UDP/IPv6 | QoSPolicyDscpBDownUDPv6 | 0 | 0-63 |
DSCP from BSG to Agent, TCP/IPv4 | QoSPolicyDscpBUpTCPv4 | 0 | 0-63 |
DSCP from BSG to Agent, TCP/IPv6 | QoSPolicyDscpBUpTCPv6 | 0 | 0-63 |
DSCP from BSG to Agent, UDP/IPv4 | QoSPolicyDscpBUpUDPv4 | 0 | 0-63 |
DSCP from BSG to Agent, UDP/IPv6 | QoSPolicyDscpBUpUDPv6 | 0 | 0-63 |
DSCP from Client, TCP/IPv4 | QoSPolicyDscpCOutTCPv4 | 0 | 0-63 |
DSCP from Client, TCP/IPv6 | QoSPolicyDscpCOutTCPv6 | 0 | 0-63 |
DSCP from Client, UDP/IPv4 | QoSPolicyDscpCOutUDPv4 | 0 | 0-63 |
DSCP from Client, UDP/IPv6 | QoSPolicyDscpCOutUDPv6 | 0 | 0-63 |
Encoder Image Cache Size (KB) | EncoderImageCacheSizeKB | 256000 | 0-2147483647 |
H.264 High Color Accuracy | EncoderH264YUV444 | 0-1 | |
H.264 | EncoderH264Enabled | 0-1 | |
H.264 Quality | H264minQP | 10 | 0-51 |
H.264 Quality | H264maxQP | 36 | 0-51 |
HEVC High Color Accuracy | EncoderHEVCYUV444 | 0-1 | |
HEVC | EncoderHEVCEnabled | 0-1 | |
HTTP Service | PortSecure | 22443 | 0-1 |
Max Session Bandwidth kbit/s Megapixel Slope | MaxBandwidthKbpsPerMegaPixelSlope | 6200 | 100-100000 |
Max Frame Rate | EncoderMaxFPS | 30 | 10-60 |
Max Session Bandwidth | MaxBandwidthKbps | 2147483647 | 256-2147483647 |
Min Session Bandwidth | MinBandwidthKbps | 256 | 128-2147483647 |
PNG | EncoderPNGEnabled | 0-1 | |
Screen Blanking | BlankScreenEnabled | 0-1 | |
UDP Protocol | UdpEnabled | 0-1 | |
Keyboard locale synchronization | KeyboardLocaleSyncEnabled | 0-1 |