Adding Active Directory Computer Accounts to Microsoft SQL Server
Launch Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) with an administrative account. Type the fully qualified domain name in the Server name: textbox. Change the Authentication method from the drop-down box. Click the Connect button. Right-click the Security folder > choose New > click Login… Provide the computer name in the Login name textbox. A computer name consists of a domain name, backslash, followed by a host…
Creating an App Volumes Database
Launch Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) with an administrative account. Type the fully qualified domain name in the Server name: textbox. Change the Authentication method from the drop-down box. Click the Connect button. Right-click the Databases folder > click New Database… Type the name of the new database to create in the Database name:…
Configuring VMware App Volumes Manager
Prerequisites At least one App Volumes Manager should be installed before following this page. Here is the page for Installing VMware App Volumes Manager. Ensure Domain Name System (DNS) records exist for forward and reverse look up of all servers in the infrastructure. Certificate Requirements Certificates for App Volumes Managers are in Privacy Enhanced Mail…
Installing VMware App Volumes Manager
Certificate Requirements Each App Volumes Manager server needs a machine certificate. If there is going to be a load balancer in front, add the load balanced fully qualified domain name to the Common Name (CN) attribute and each server’s fully qualified domain name to the Subject Alternative Name (SAN) attribute of the certificate. Microsoft SQL…
Securing Microsoft SQL Server with Transport Layer Security (TLS) Certificates
Certificate Requirements If using a single server, the fully qualified domain name is only needed for the Common Name (CN) attribute. If using Always On High Availability, the fully qualified domain name of the individual SQL server needs to be in the CN attribute and the Availability Group Listener fully qualified domain name needs to…
VMware Agents Install Script
Order of Agent Install VMware Tools VMware Horizon Agent VMware Dynamic Environment Manager (DEM) Agent (Optional) VMware App Volumes Agent # https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/2118048 # https://powershellexplained.com/2016-10-21-powershell-installing-msi-files/ # # Install VMware Horizon Agent # Start-Process C:\ImageBuild\agents\VMware-Horizon-Agent-x86_64-7.13.0-16975066.exe -Wait -ArgumentList ‘/s /v”/qn VDM_VC_MANAGED_AGENT=1 ADDLOCAL=BlastUDP,ClientDriveRedirection,Core,FLASHMMR,HelpDesk,NGVC,PerfTracker,RDP,RTAV,SmartCard,ThinPrint,TSMMR,V4V,VmVideo,VMWMediaProviderProxy,VmwVaudio,VmwVidd VDM_FIPS_ENABLED=1 REBOOT=ReallySuppress /l*v C:\ImageBuild\logs\HorizonAgent-Install.log”‘ # # Install VMware Dynamic Environment Manager (DEM) Agent # Start-Process msiexec.exe…